contact us

Wetland Adventures
Captain Mike Jennings
P.O. Box 1637
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
Phone: 979.864.9439
Captain Mike Jennings
P.O. Box 1637
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
Phone: 979.864.9439
At Wetland Adventures you deal directly with the guides that are in the field, not a middle man or booking agent who has no real feel for what the birds are currently doing.
We will do our level best to answer our emails as quickly as possable. Unfortunatly durring the busy hunting season we have limited time in front of the computer. The quickest way to reach us is via telephone. Thank You for visiting Wetland Adventures, Serving The Texas Gulf Coast Goose and Duck Hunting Community with a service that will make you want to retun season after season. We Would Be Proud To Earn Your Business. |